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How to Make a Minecraft Character in Blender TUTORIAL

How to Make a Minecraft Character in Blender


Click the link below and download the .nothing file (re-zip if automobile-unzipped into a binder necessary), install into blender (2.72 through 3.0 supported)

Install MCprep

Past downloading and installing, you agree to the following privacy policy. Watch this video on how to install if running into troubles.

It should remain a zip folder. In blender, go to preferences, then the addons tab, and at the bottom of the window install from file. Select the .zip file. Notation: Blender may not automatically enable the addon. If the MCprep addon is not already shown in the window after installing, search for it at left and then ensure the check box is enabled. Save user preferences to keep it enabled next time blender opens.

Again, please download from the link above or the releases page, not by clicking download zip push button above.

The preferences panel should await like this later installing the zip file Installed MCprep 2.7

Or, if using Blender two.8, follow these similar steps Installed MCprep 2.8

If you similar the addon, delight consider donating for the continued quality development! Share this addon so others can benefit from information technology! Or help past taking this quick survey!

Larn how to use MCprep

Short, ane-minute videos showcasing how to apply Blender+MCprep features

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Well-nigh MCprep

This is a blender python addon to improve and automate many aspects of creating Minecraft renders and animations. It can help you improt world's exported from Minecraft, ready ameliorate materials, importing mobs and items, and set up proxy characters for animation, and even includes default animations for common blocks/mobs similar tall grass, torches, and mobs like the bat or blaze. This addon assumes you lot have already exported a Minecraft world to an OBJ file. While the script should work for any world importer, it has been tested and developed based on the jmc2obj and Mineways tools for exporting Minecraft worlds to obj files.

This addon is fabricated to work with an asset library directory, from which models and groups are linked or imported from. This library blend file is included, merely does non accept all types of blocks generated yet. This will be improved in the future.

This addon is uniform officially down to ii.72 official builds, and upward to blender 3.00. Not all features are available in all versions, try to employ the latest available blender. Run into whatever bug? Submit bugs/issues here.

Characteristic list

World Imports Description
Prep Materials Improves materials from globe imports, and allows one-click switching from cycles & blender internal materials. Annotation, this does non create materials, but modifies existing ones.
Swap Texture Pack Initial support but for jmc2obj world exports. Using a valid Minecraft resources pack, y'all tin can at present completely replace the textures of the imported world with another pack - you can even changed individual blocks at a time.
Animate textures Initial support only for jmc2obj world exports. With a valid (or the MCprep default) resource pack selected, you tin can supplant even so images with their animated versions. Works great to put motion back into lava, water, portals and other blocks for whatever kind of resource pack.
Combine materials/images Consolidates indistinguishable materials and images down to the smallest number of unique datablocks. Note: combine images is only bachelor on blender 2.78+
Meliorate UI A shortcut to speedily improve viewport settings for Minecraft sets. Sets textured solid mode & turns off mipmaps
Mesh Bandy Allows you to supervene upon simple models from 3D exported worlds with more intricate 3D models
Calibration UV Faces Allows you to calibration all UV faces of a mesh well-nigh their origin. Must be in edit way of a mesh.
Select Blastoff Faces Allows you to select or delete mesh faces that are transparent in the applied image texture. Must exist in edit fashion of a mesh.
Sync Materials Search for the materials.blend file inside the active texture pack, and for whatsoever matching materials found in this file, import and overwrite the current file's version of that same material. Found under the World Exporter > Advanced section or in prep materials popup.
World Tools Description
Create MC Earth Operator which allows user to create either a static or dynamic heaven. Options exist to also add clouds, remove existing sun lamps, and define how the Sun/Moon is imported (either as a shader, mesh, or neither). If a dynamic sky is created, a time-command slider will besides be displayed below.
Prep Globe This operator makes several updates to either Blender Internal, Cycles, or Eevee scenes that are optimal and in virtually cases will notably improve return times (particularly for cycles) and increase overall artful.
Skin Swapper Description
Apply [skin] Applies the currently list-selected skin to the actively selected rigs.
Skin from file Loads in a skin texture from file and applies to the actively selected rigs. Notation: As well gets added to skin list
Skin from username Downloads a skin based on a play proper name and applies to the actively selected rigs. Notation: Too gets added to peel listing
+ sign Install a custom skin into the list without applying to a rig

Note: only 1.8 skin layouts are supported at this time, in the future an automobile-conversion characteristic volition likely exist implemented

Spawner Description
Spawn: [rig] Based on the actively selected rig, from an according spawning rig category, add the mob/graphic symbol into the scene. These are fully rigged characters. Using the plus sign, yous can even install your own rigs (rig must be part of a group). For quicker mapping, y'all tin even gear up an entire folder and it will auto-create subcategories of rigs based on folders.
Spawn: meshswap block Identify a block from the meshswap file into the 3D scene. Currently is limited to only having meshswap groups ( thousand. torches and fire) and not objects (e.g. non supporting grass and flowers withal).
Spawn: items Convert any prototype icon into a 3D mesh, with faces per each pixel and transparent faces already removed. Defaults to loading Minecraft items.
Material Library Clarification
Load textile Generate the selected cloth and apply it to the selected material slot of the active object. Follows convention of the active resource pack and general Prep Materials operator.

Spawner mobs included in the current version of MCprep



While this addon is released as open source software, the avails are being released as Creative Commons Attributions, CC-By. If you apply MeshSwap, please credit the creators past linking to this page wherever your projection may appear:

Cake models developed by Patrick Due west. Crawford, SilverC16, and Nils Söderman (rymdnisse).

Player Rigs Creator
Fancy Anxiety Histrion Patrick W. Crawford (Rig link)
Fancy Anxiety Slim Player Modified past Jeremy Putnam (MCprep sectional)
Simple Histrion (modified) BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Uncomplicated Slim Player (modified) BoxScape Studios + TheDuckCow (MCprep exclusive)
Shapekey Thespian Derived from BoxScape Studios, shapekeys and animation by Patrick Westward. Crawford (MCprep exclusive)
Story Manner Rig Trainguy9512 (No straight link nonetheless)
VMcomix Steve (rounded) VMcomix (Rig link)
Passive Rigs Creator
Axolotl Breadcrumb
Bat Patrick W. Crawford (MCprep exclusive)
Cod fish BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Chicken Trainguy9512 (No direct link yet)
Cow Nils Söderman (rymdnisse) (Rig link)
Dolphin BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Fox BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Glow squid TRPHB Animation
Goat TRPHB Animation
Mooshroom (red/brown) BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Parrot BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Pig Trainguy9512 (No direct link withal)
Panda BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Pufferfish BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Rabbit HissingCreeper (No direct link yet)
Salmon BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Sheep HissingCreeper (No directly link yet)
Squid Nils Söderman (rymdnisse) (Rig link)
Tropical Fish BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Cod fish BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Turtle BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Hostile Rigs Creator
Bee BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Blaze Trainguy9512 (No direct link still)
Cavern Spider Austin Prescott
Creeper Patrick West. Crawford (MCprep exclusive)
Drowned thefunnypie2 + HissingCreeper
Eldar Guardian BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Ender Dragon BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Enderman Trainguy9512 (Rig link)
Endermite Nils Söderman (rymdnisse) (Rig link)
Evoker BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Ghast Trainguy9512 (No directly link yet)
Guardian Trainguy9512 (Rig link)
Hoglin BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Husk BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Magma Cube BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Piglin BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Pillager BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Polar behave PixelFrosty (Demo/download)
Phantom BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Ravager BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Shulker Trainguy9512 (Rig link)
Silverfish Nils Söderman (rymdnisse) (Rig link)
Skeleton Trainguy9512 (Rig link, outdated)
Slime BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Spider Nils Söderman (rymdnisse) (Rig link)
Devious thefunnypie2 + Trainguy9512
Strider BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Vindicator BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Witch BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Wither BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Wither Skeleton BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Vindicator BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Zoglin BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Zombie HissingCreeper (No direct link yet)
Zombie Pigman BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Zombie Villager thefunnypie2 + HissingCreeper
Zombified Piglin BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Friendly/Utility Rigs Creator
Horse Patrick Due west. Crawford (Rig link)
Iron Golem Trainguy9512 (Rig link)
Llama BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Ocelot HissingCreeper (No direct link yet)
Simple Villager (Dynamic pare) Th3pooka
Snow Golem Nils Söderman (rymdnisse) (Rig link)
Villager BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Wandering Trader BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Wolf Trainguy9512 (Rig link, outdated)
Entities Creator
Arrow TRPHB Animation
Gunkhole TRPHB Animation
Bow TRPHB Animation
Crossbow TRPHB Animation
Minecart BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
Shield Ageofherosmedia
Meshswap Blocks Creator
Campfire BoxScape Studios (Pack link)
All others TheDuckCow

If yous use any of these rigs in your blitheness, give credit to the co-ordinate creator or past directly referring back to this readme file which contains all the credits. Models have been slightly modified to function all-time and consistently with the MCprep addon.

Thank you to all the contributors to this project! It will keep to grow and cover more avails in the virtually time to come.

How to utilize this addon

Prep materials:

  • Purpose: To automatically setup amend, well-baked materials for rendering Minecraft, depression resolution textures. It works for both Blender internal besides equally cycles, and more recently the cycles Principled shader. It will even selectively turn 'shiny' materials into reflecting materials, likewise every bit 'bright' materials into emitting materials. Currently, the list of these materials is difficult-coded into a json file, with names matching the material names for both jmc2obj and Mineways. You can modify this file for your own needs, but largely should be fine with the default, and will be updated (overwritten) as new updates are added.
  • Step 1: Export your earth to an OBJ or other general 3D formats. I apply jmc2obj, merely Mineways or other such formats should be fine also.
  • Step 2: Import the earth into blender (e.g. via file > import > obj, or whatever according format)
  • Step three: Select all, or select the objects that have the material you desire to fix. Materials tin be all separate objects or the same object, information technology does not thing.
  • Step four: Under the MCprep console, press "Prep Materials".
  • Step five: Change settings (optional, defaults are good!) and press ok - and await a moment while the addon does the rest! Settings

Settings popup for prep materials.

Prep material settings

Setting options:

  • Apply principled shader: Cycles simply and 2.79 and up, utilize the more physically authentic Principled shader node. If disabled, it will default dorsum to previous material setups. The principled shader is, however, preferred.
  • Use reflections: Add extra settings to make textile more reflective. For Blender Internal, enable reflections. For cycles materials, increase reflection alpha and so that even fully transparent sections of paradigm (due east.g. in glass) will show some reflections.
  • Animate textures: See the department below, this performs the same operation afterward prepping materials, with the default behavior of "save to next to current source prototype", which is probable in the texture pack itself
  • Find missing images: Look to supersede any missing images with their counterparts in the active resource pack, which by default is vanilla Minecraft textures equally transport with MCprep
  • Utilise actress maps: If actress passes like normal and specular maps are available with the selected resources pack, load them into the material (note: the default MCprep texture pack will not have these passes)
  • Better UI: Does not impact existing materials, but just sets the viewport to a nice minimum default to see the result of prepping materials - but ever checked rendered mode to run across how they truly look in the end
  • Combine materials: This volition go through the entire blend file and attempt to merge together same-named materials (e.g. grass and grass.001 and grass.002 will all be consolidated down into one shared fabric, though something similar grass-edit would be left alone)
  • Sync materials: Look for any matching textile names (after casting to Minecraft canonical names) in the materials.blend file (if presnet) under the active resource pack. If establish, supplant this local material with that from the materials.blend file.

Bandy texture pack

  • Purpose: Replace the images in a blend file with those from some other Minecraft resource pack. Operates on selected objects and their corresponding materials, so you can mix and match different resource packs on a per-material basis this way.
  • Stride one: Select all materials you wish to swap texture packs for
  • Step 2: Prep materials on these objects if yous haven't already (prepping a 2d time will do no harm); not doing this could have mixed results.
  • Pace 3: Press on the swap texture pack button in the 3D view > MCprep tab > World Imports panel
  • Pace 4: In this popup, the folder volition default to the MCprep resource pack (ie default Vanilla Minecraft); navigate to an extracted aught folder of a valid resource pack. Y'all can select whatever sub-folder, but to exist safe, select the folder level such that the the "pack.png" and "assets" sub-folder are visible as rows.
  • Step five: Determine if you want to enable/disable pulling in extra passes (eastward.m. normal and specular, if they be) and whether to animate textures upon swapping. Both of these tickboxes, on by default, are in the left-hand sidebar.

Using Mineways? Employ the following world consign settings to employ this feature: Mineways exporter settings

Note: Using tiles for expore creates individual files per cake instead of one combined texture file. This is what allows bandy texturepack to work.


  • Purpose: To automatically swap in extra assets such equally 3D grass, light emitting torches and lamps, and and so forth. Note that all the objects to be swapped in are in the alloy file part of this download. Also note that swapping is done based on the name of the fabric. If you are unsure why your object is not swapping in, check the material name matches the counterpart object/material in the meshSwap.alloy file. Annotation it can search for both append-able objects besides every bit groups, containing particles and so along. Modifiers on the mesh in the original file will be brought over, then notice for example how the tall grass when replaced will be "pre-simulated" equally information technology has displacement modifiers setup already with blitheness.
  • Step 0: Past default this is already done for you; set the MeshSwap blend path to the "mcprep_meshSwap.blend" or custom blend file, and make sure the globe export has blocks of size 1m (100cm).
  • Step 1: Select the objects that y'all wish to be meshSwapped. Swappable objects are determined automatically based on the contents of the blend file selected to a higher place. If an object is non constitute or swappable, it volition simply exist skipped - no harm done past "over selecting" (and so select all objects to make sure everything that tin be swapped gets swapped!)
  • Footstep ii: Press Mesh Swap (there will be a small delay, meshswapping large areas such as fields of grass may have awhile).

Setup your Mineways worlds in this mode for best results.

Mineways exporter settings

Setup your jmc2obj worlds in this fashion for best results.

jmc2obj exporter settings

Notation: You tin can at present likewise direct add meshswap blocks into the scene from the shift-A menu or the spawner:meshswap panel.

To add your own objects to meshswap (or groupswap):

  • Step 1: Check your imported earth object and see the name of the fabric for the object you want to setup. You might recall it is "glass plane", only if the importer names the material "glass_plane", yous need to annotation this proper name down for step 3.
  • Step 2: Model you object in the mcprep_meshSwap.blend file, or append it.
  • Step 3: Rename your object to exactly match the previously noted fabric name. If you want to have a group swappable, and so proper name the grouping to match the name above.
    • And so the MATERIAL name establish in the 3D imported world should match the OBJECT proper noun of the model in the meshswap file to work
    • Note if both a group and an object take matching names, the script will prefer the group and meshswap that over the object.
  • Footstep 4: Add together necessary properties to special blocks every bit needed. See the meshSwap file included for examples, but the properties to add are:
    • "variance": Objects with this holding when meshswapped will have some x/y variance added. If the holding is prepare to 1, it will also have (just negative) z variance. If it is set to 0, it will just have xy variance. For instance, tall_grass is given a value of 1 so some grass is shorter than others, but flowers are given a value of 0 so they always have the same tiptop just still have some variance in placement.
    • "edgeFloat": objects like vines, ladders, and lillypads which float off the edge of other blocks.
    • "torchlike": objects that can accept rotations like a torch on a wall. Objects with this belongings will be determined to be either on top of a block or placed on the side of another cake co-ordinate to the mesh.
    • Notation: there is no UI for calculation properties to a group, so if you want to add a property to a grouping (say a torch which has a pre-animated light and particle system, as the included alloy file does) you must become into the python consol and add the property similar and then:['groupName']['propertyName'] = 1 (the value only matters for the variance property)
    • Example:['torch']['torchlike'] = 1 will add the torchlike property to the torch group, allowing information technology to have correct rotations when meshSwapped in.

Animate textures:

  • Purpose: Replace still images with animated sequences, for livelier materials! This operator runs over all materials of all selected objects. For each image pass found within each material, it will effort to replace the notwithstanding image with the tiled counterpart in the agile texture pack. Minecraft resource packs shop animated textures in the grade of long, vertical images. Blender internal and cycles piece of work best when reading prototype sequences as separated files, so this role really "exports" the image sequence from a single tiled image into a subfolder with one prototype per frame, and and then assigns this to the image block in blender. Any tiled image is eligible to be animated this fashion, fifty-fifty if non usually an blithe sequence in vanilla Minecraft.

  • Footstep 0: Prep materials beginning, if you haven't already; non required, but helpful.

  • Step ane: Select the materials you want to breathing. Try this on water, lava, and portals! Note, there is no harm in "over-selecting"; if you printing animate textures on materials that cannot be blithe (i.eastward. no tiled images to pull in), it will but skip over it.

  • Footstep 2: From the popup, decide how and where y'all want the save the generated image sequence.

    • "Next to electric current source image": This volition consign the sequence to a subfolder in the same directory as the electric current, existing image
    • "Within MCprep texture pack": This will export the sequence to a subfolder in active texture pack selected
    • "Adjacent to this alloy file": This will export the sequence to a Textures folder placed next to the current saved blend file.
    • Exist conscientious when moving your blend file to other locations or other computers! Even if you utilize "pack images", paradigm sequences do not go packed in the blender file. You must manually copy this folder to wherever y'all plan to return/open the file. For this purpose, such as return farms or multi-reckoner rendering, be sure to always ready save location equally "Side by side to this alloy file" (preferred) or "Next to current source epitome".
  • Step 3: If you have been running into issues, consider ticking the "clear enshroud" box (this will remove any previous or partially exported prototype sequences)

  • Stride 3: Printing okay, and wait! Some notes:

    • If yous have a high-resolution texture pack selected, this could have some fourth dimension. Blender will be unresponsive while this processes.
    • This should merely be slow the first time you animate textures, thereafter (with the aforementioned salve-location pick) it will skip re-exporting and direct load the existing image sequence for each matching material.
    • You can view progress in the console (on Windows, get to top bar >Windows > Toggle console)

Animate textures can exist establish under the World Imports - Avant-garde panel; or tick the box on prep materials. Animate textures button

Using Mineways? Use the following world export settings to employ this characteristic (key: use tiles): Mineways exporter settings

Scale UV Faces:

  • Purpose: To take a UV map and calibration all of the private UV faces near their own origins, similar to "Individual origins" transformation available in the 3D view for scaling, but is non available for continued faces in the UV editing window. This would be used if yous are experiencing "haemorrhage" of a texture effectually the edges of a face up, sometimes an artifact of how Blender treats low resolution images, or as a quick way to ready loosely-done UV unwrapping.
  • Step i: Select a mesh that already has a textile and texture applied
  • Step two: Go into edit manner on this mesh
  • Step 3: Press the Calibration UV Face up button from either location:
    • 3D View > Toolshelf (left, printing t) > MCprep Tab > Earth Imports
    • Epitome Viewer > Toolshelf (left, press t) > Tools tab > Transform Panel, MCprep section
  • Stride four: Adjust the scale factor in the redo terminal (or F6) window, defaults to 0.75

Select Blastoff Faces:

  • Purpose: To rapidly select, or delete, all faces that autumn on transparent pixels of the corresponding applied prototype for the active mesh. Useful if yous want to speed upwards renders by not having to render transparent faces, or avoid other related bug. Note: The current implementation works well for "grid" unwrapped objects where the UV map has clear rows and columns aligned to the image centrality, yet it will still piece of work to some extent with whatsoever unwrapped face UV shape over whatsoever image.
  • Step 1: Select a mesh that already has a material and texture applied
  • Step 2: Get into edit mode on this mesh
  • Step three: Press the Select Blastoff Faces push button from either location:
    • 3D View > Toolshelf (left, press t) > MCprep Tab > World Imports
    • Image Viewer > Toolshelf (left, printing t) > Tools tab > Transform Panel, MCprep department
  • Step 4: Adjust the backdrop in the redo last window, or past pressing F6
    • Delete faces: If checked, this volition automatically delete the selected faces (setting will be saved for the electric current blender session)
    • Threshold: From 0-one, consider the face every bit transparent if the boilerplate of the paradigm pixels falling within the given confront is beneath this threshold.

Create MC Sky:

  • Purpose: This operator provides options to add both uncomplicated and avant-garde, shader-driven skies to your worlds. There are two primary types of skies yous tin add. Works for Eevee, Cycles, and Blender Internal (no shader-driven option for adding sky/moon for Blender Internal)
  • Adds a bones day-sky texture. Works for both cycles and blender internal, and creates a better starting point than the default gray earth background. No option withal for setting other times of twenty-four hours.
  • The optional settings:
    • Dynamic World: This is an avant-garde node shader setup designed for both Cycles and Eevee. It allows for driving the sky colors and effulgence based on the fourth dimension of day, as driven by a time property which will appear in the console after adding a dynamic world. This allows you to create mean solar day, morning, nighttime, and sunrise/sunset scenes with ease, and furthermore fifty-fifty lets you freely animate the fourth dimension such that you lot can create your ain timelapse sequences. Dynamic skies also import sunday lamps, and either shader-based or mesh-based dominicus/moon. You tin can even somewhat easily hack the shader to insert HDRs in identify of the procedural blended sky colors, and accept the shader automatically and smoothly alloy betwixt these images. As y'all alter the fourth dimension, the sun and moon (if enabled) and physical sunday lamp follow the time of mean solar day in sync. Variants of the Dynamic World include:
      • With Shader sun/moon: This unique feature allows y'all to accept a sun and moon that will appear in the scene but at a distance of infinity, without having to change your camera render distance limit!
      • With mesh sun/moon: The mesh is imported from a source library, and identify into the scene around the origin of the scene. Notation that, of course, your sun/moon objects be in the scene like any other object, and so you make desire to scale them out to limit the effect of parallax effects relative to the photographic camera, and as well update your camera's render altitude if you do scale out the altitude of the lord's day/moon meshes from the camera.
      • No sunday or moon imported/setup
    • Static World: This is a simpler shader setup and does not offer the ability to animate the time of 24-hour interval, but nevertheless is better than the default gray groundwork! Best fit for a midday scene. Options include:
      • With mesh sunday/moon: Same description as in the department above.
      • No sun or moon mesh imported
    • Import cloud mesh
    • Remove existing sun lamps (as dynamic and static sky will import their own lord's day lamps, you may want to use this to remove existing ones)

Prep Globe:

  • Purpose: This button plant in the World Tools panel will assign nicer default world settings for rendering and blitheness, for both Blender Internal and Cycles.
  • Note: Previously this operator added simple heaven materials, at present it is focused on only render settings. Use "Create MC World" above to initial world settings.
  • Optimizes/improves render settings (cycles):
    • Turns off reflective and refractive caustics (will increase speed over default)
    • Increases light sampling threshold to a better rest (volition increase speed over default)
    • Sets max bounces to 8 (blender default is 12, and more often than not this number can typically be lowered further)
    • Turns on Simplify and sets Simplify AO to level 2 for viewport and render (this will relieve on average xx-30% on render times with minimal touch; for much faster rendering, you tin even set this lower to a level of 1, but be mindful of how shadows and reflections around objects with texture transparencies behave).
  • Improves render settings (blender internal):
    • Turns on AO with multiple of 0.1 (may cause renders to exist slower, only mostly nicer looking)
    • Turns on environs global illumination (colour inherited from sky settings). This may slow downwards renders, but they will exist generally nicer and prevents whatever "pitch black" scenes.
    • Turns on ray tracing and shadows (may cause renders to be slower, just generally nicer looking)
    • If there is a sun in the scene, it will turn on "utilize sky blend" which volition brand the rotation of the sunday lamp affect the heaven color / sun glow position.

Sync Materials

  • Purpose: Chop-chop load in previously gear up materials found in the active resource pack'south materials.alloy, and supplant corresponding materials on selected objects. Found nether the World Exporter > Avant-garde section, or in prep materials popup.
  • Step 1: Select an object with materials you desire to sync
  • Footstep i: Press Sync Materials. This will only touch materials on the selected objects. If nada was matched to the materials.blend file,

To edit the materials.blend file for syncing:

  • Step 1: Open the materials.blend file in the agile resource pack, or create the file if adding information technology to antoher resource pack. This file should be placed in the root binder of the resource pack, i.e. next to the pack.png file and assets folder.
  • Step two: Technically optional only recommended: add a new cube for your material for quick previewing. Reset the UV layout in edit way so each face takes upwards the whole texture.
  • Footstep 3: Use a fabric to this new object, either by:
    1. Appending from an existing file where you lot already created this material
    2. Usse the Load Materials panel to load the default MCprep material. Strongly suggested you alter the resource pack (under advanced) to be // to tell blender to use the local director as the resource pack, so that information technology doens't reference images outside the resources pack.
  • Step 3: Edit the material shader nodes. ONLY the fabric itself will be synced.

Peel Swapping:

  • Purpose: To provide quick and like shooting fish in a barrel skin changing on rigs and characters already in your blender scene.
  • Pace 1: Select your rig (or rigs) that you want to change the skin for. It works best if you select all of the objects of your rig ( thousand. head, torso, legs etc) only it will work even if y'all merely selected the armature (in that case, results are just visible in rendered view)
  • Step ii: Select a skin from the skin file listing nether the tool carte du jour: 3D view > MCprep tab > Skin Swapper Panel > UI List of skins, left click to select/highlight a skin
    • Don't see the skin you want? Click "skin from file" to select one from your machine, or "skin from username" to download and utilize a Minecraft user'southward skin, or get into advanced to Add Skin for future employ without immediately applying it.
  • Step 3: Press the button that says "Apply [pare proper noun]"
  • Footstep four: You're done! If the user interface appears to not update, be sure to check rendered view (shift+z). As well note the default behavior is to make a new material. This way, if yous had other characters with the aforementioned skin that you don't desire inverse, those are left alone. You tin plough this off in the redo terminal menu or via F6.

Load Material:

  • Purpose: To apace load/generate Minecraft materials, without having to outset import a world obj. Follows convention of the active resource pack and general Prep Materials operator.
  • Step two: Select an object and go into the Properties > Textile tab (this feature is Not in the MCprep panel).
  • Step 2: Load materials. Runs automatically when irresolute resources pack
  • Step 3: Select the material you desire to load with left click. You tin can scroll to find the desired textile, or expand the search bar within the bottom of the UI listing box.
  • Step 4: Select load - the cloth will replace the material in the current textile slot.

Mob Spawner:

  • Purpose: To provide quick, one-click importing/linking of quality Minecraft mob and player rigs in blender.
  • Step 0: By default this is already done for you; make certain the mob spawner path is a directory with valid blend files setup for linking (addon preferences > MCprep). After installing MCprep for the first time, this path will already be setup and valid pointing to the included rigs with this release, every bit divers in the credits department above. This rigs are place in the addon's local directory provided by blender and will not be placed anywhere else on the user's machine. Deleting the addon besides deletes these rigs (careful if you're library linking!)
  • Stride 1: Either go to MCprep tab > spawner > click on Mob, or go to the shift-a carte: MCprep > mob spawner > [mob proper name] to instantly append or link in a rig.
  • Step 2: Check the redo last menu (or press F6) for additional settings:
    • Relocation: Change where the spawned rig appears.
      • Cursor (default): Identify the rig at the cursor's location
      • Origin: Move the rig to the origin
      • Commencement root: Move the rig to the origin, but offset the root bone to the cursor'due south location (note: doesn't work with all rigs correctly right now, will be improved in the future)
    • Library Link mob: If disabled, the grouping is appended (the groups is not kept and then it can exist appended multiple times). If enabled, the rig will be linked in and armatures auto-proxied.
      • Be careful! If the blend file moves, the libraries will likely become broken unless a custom rigs binder is used with a local-relative path.
    • Clear pose: clear to pose to balance. If false, the initial pose will be that found in the rig'southward source blend file. Annotation: some rigs have animations already setup, setting articulate pose volition also automatically clear any default animations.
    • Prep materials: this will automatically run the prep materials part, noting this volition regenerate cycles materials if cycles is the active render engine.

Mob Spawner Redo-concluding/F6 Options Meshswap options

To add together your own rigs to the Mob Spawner:

  • Step one: Make your rig, or download one you want to use!
  • Step two: Make sure all elements of the rig, ie all armatures, body parts, and extra objects, are added to a single grouping (select and press control+thou) inside your rig file. The proper noun of this group is what will announced under the shift-a card, and typically matches the proper noun of the file if at that place is but one rig per blend file.
  • Pace 3: Optional just useful, rename the root/principal bone of the rig to one of [MAIN, root, base], used for relocation. Additionally, make the armature for animation named [name].arma where [proper name] exactly matches the name of the group. This is used for auto-proxying of the armature and relocation methods.
  • Step 4: Optional, if you accept a custom script for the rig, save information technology as an external file whose name matches the blend file exactly, merely with .py instead of .blend, place this in the aforementioned binder equally the blend file.
    • Additionally, to car import an icon with this rig, create a folder next tot he blend file chosen "icons" and create a file with the name that exactly matches the name of the rig's group name, e.thou. Group proper noun "Zombie Pigman" could have the icon file "zombie pigman.png" (not how this is non instance-sensitive, just information technology is space-sensitive)
  • Footstep v: Either from Blender Preferences > Addon > MCprep preferences console > "Install file for mob spawning" or from the MCprep 3D view tab, go to spawner > mob > menu "Install new mob". From there, use the file browser to select the blend file and install it! This copies the file to the current mob binder, past default within the MCprep addon.
  • Alternative: To specify a different, custom folder in a location of your choosing for mob spawning, simply change the "Mob spawner binder" path in the MCprep mob spawner advanced department (this setting is saved to blend file), or salvage a new default in the addon's preferences (becomes the default for all new blend scenes).
  • Note: all groups within installed alloy files will appear for mob spawning. After installing a blend file, y'all do not need to save user preferences to use it in future blender sessions.

Sometimes you may need to reload a rig cache, click this push if the correct rigs aren't actualization - or if you've just added new rigs to the binder exterior of blender

Reload rig cache

Meshswap block Spawner:

  • Purpose: To provide quick, one-click importing of meshswap 3D blocks and groups.
  • Step 0: By default this is already done for you; brand sure the meshswap file path is a directory with valid blend files setup for appending (addon preferences > MCprep). When installed, this path will already be setup and valid pointing to the included blocks with this release.
  • Footstep 1: Navigate to the spawner panel and select meshswap
  • Pace 2: Highlight the desired block(s), no damage in over-selecting; will but meshswap blocks that have matching counterparts in the meshswap alloy file
  • Step three: Press meshswap, and run into the cake placed in the scene
  • Step 4: Modify redo concluding settings as needed (also accessible by pressing F6 after spawning). Options include:
    • Meshswap block: You lot tin change here which block y'all wanted to add
    • Location: Set the location where the block is placed
    • Append layer: layer to append contents of the group to; default is layer xx, setting to 0 volition apply the currently active layer(southward) equally the layers for the grouping
    • Prep materials: run prep materials on the imported objects, particularly useful if using cycles
    • Snapping dropdown: Snap the placed cake to a rounded coordinate. Optional offset by 0.5 as well
    • Make real: Example the groups and then they are made real, thus allowing you to individually modify the objects within the group. Annotation: this may clear any pre-applied blitheness.

Particular Spawner:

  • Purpose: To be able to quickly generate 3D Minecraft items from images.
  • Step 0: By default this is already done for you; in advanced settings, betoken the folder to a valid Minecraft resource pack (with an items folder), or directly select the binder containing individual images per detail.
  • Pace ane: Navigate to the spawner panel and select items; printing load if needed
  • Step 2: Select the item in the UI list, you can press the trivial plus at the bottom to open a gratuitous text search to hep bring upwardly what you want
  • Step three: Press the Place: {item} push below
  • Stride iv: Modify redo concluding settings as needed (also attainable past pressing F6 afterwards spawning). Options include:
    • Maximum number of pixels: Volition scale the image downwardly if number of pixels exceeds this (unlikely for Minecraft resource packs)
    • Thickness: If above 0, will add a solidify modifier with this level of thickness; tin always exist adapted or removed later
    • Blastoff Threshold: At this level or lower of alpha values (0.0-1.0), delete the face from the resulting mesh.
    • Employ transparent pixels: If enabled, volition setup the textile so that transparent pixels will appear transparent in the return, othwise will be solid.

Known Bugs

  • See all known electric current bugs here
  • SOMETIMES Undo (command/command z) MAY CRASH Afterward MESHSWAPPING, recommended to save before using to be prophylactic but generally is fine.
  • Motion blur glitches on wind-swaying elements, e.g. grass: This is a bug with blender, where solidify plus the displacement modifiers and divide edges modifiers can create bad motion blur effects. The easy set is to remove carve up edges and let the grass be shaded smoothly instead.

Future Plans

Futurity evolution plans are now recorded and updated as milestones and enhancement problems on GitHub. Cheque those out here

Additional Aid

If y'all have troubles getting this addon to work, please contact me at back up[at] or on twitter, and I will do my best to reply promptly to your questions. This addon is always being updated, but in that location may be some fourth dimension betwixt releases, and then check back for updates (yous can reference the version number and take last modified). Your feedback helps stabilize the addon and make information technology work meliorate for everyone else!



How to Make a Minecraft Character in Blender TUTORIAL

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